The 4 components of recovery from porn – Part 3: Chemical

This week, we continue our 4 part series on the components of recovery from porn and sex addiction. The Chemical component is our focus today.  So far, we have addressed the Behavioral (Part 1) and Spirituality (Part 2) components.  Of the four components to recovery, the chemical impact is most often not addressed.   All too […]

The 4 components of recovery from porn – Part 2: Spirituality

This week, we continue our 4 part series on the components of recovery from porn and sex addiction. Spirituality is our focus today.  I often hear of people, not only priests, telling others that the answer to beating porn addiction is prayer and the sacraments. Of the four components to recovery, re-ordering our spiritual life […]

The 4 components of recovery from porn – Part 1: Behavior

You heard me say before that pornography is not the problem, but a symptom. As such, true recovery from porn is not typically as simple as stopping a habit. It goes much deeper. In my recovery of over 30 years as a sex addict, (not just porn but massage parlors affairs prostitution etc)., God has […]

Solving the symptom, not the problem – Why Porn is not the problem

Pretty much anyone you talk to would agree that porn is a problem in society today. Most will tell you that is just a nasty habit that people need to just stop. More willpower is the answer. Even psychologists will address and treat pornography with methods like CBT (Cognitive Based Therapy), meditation, behavior redirection methods, […]

Has the family been lost in society?

It is clear that the traditional idea of family is under attack. When I say traditional, I mean the original meaning from God. Our biblical roots of existence where man and woman in the sanctity of marriage are joined as one flesh [Genesis 2:24].  This union with God is the earthly, human image of the […]

Does Porn Fuel Sex Trafficking?

Sex trafficking and pornography are related. However, many people assume they are two different issues. In fact, you can rarely find leaders, politicians, and media outlets saying that porn and sex trafficking are related. Why is that? Today, I want to explain why and the facts that support this position.  What is sex trafficking? Sex […]